Iowa Journal of History and Polictics 1911: Proceeding Of A Council With The Chippewa Indians (1837 Treaty)
Click below to open this long 1837 document of Proceeding Of A Council With The Chippewa Indians. This document created by the government describes the daily negotiations and details from the Treaty of 1837. Some modern scholars contend that the government was disingenuous in these affairs using alcohol, gifts, manipulations between Ojibwa leadership and omission to secure a favorable outcome. In the Lac Du Flambeau District of Ojibwa the Lac Vieux Desert, Pelican Lake and Wisconsin River bands of the Ojibwa were omitted from these negotiations and had to later petition for their inclusion.
The document was split due to uploadng limitations. Part 2 has references to the Lac Du Flambeau band and Chief White Thunder marked by yellow highlights. White Thunder was documented as the first known Manitowish Waters resident by A. B. Gray in his 1846 journal describing White Thunder's summer residence on Cross Lake. Other yellow highlights help in understanding the context of the negotiations. This document gives important context to the landmark decision of the Ojibwa (Chippewa) to exchange their land by treaty for payment and guarantee of hunting, fishing, and gathering rights.
Reference to White Thunder and Lac Du Flambeau influence in the treaty process.