Jedediah Stevens 1824-1841
Journal of Jedediah Stevens ABCFM BOX 2 Stevens SS – AD
slothful and indolent in the great business of religion,
O God be Merciful to me a sinner.
Tuesday 16 March employed much of this day as yesterday
design to leave this place on the morrow O Lord direct
my steps. Mrs Warren has been busy to day in prepar-
ing me mocc[a]sins clothes, & Wahpoo (an outfit of pro-
vis[i]ons for my journey) she is an industrious kind &
sensible woman O that god would have mercy on her soul.
I think she give[s] som[e] eviden[c]e of seriousness O that
she might soon be made a child of God. Retired a little
past 12 0
Wednesday 17 More than the usual number came in this
morning to hear the word of god I read a few verses of
the last chap of Reveleatio[n]s I urged them to cast away
all their sins and all confiden[c]e in any for salvation
but J.C. and come to him for none could save them but
Jesus C. or do any part of it. I urged them to take the
bible as their only guide to heaven I warned them of the
awful danger of Listening to, and following any instructions
that are not according to the bible &c. After prayers Mr
Cadotte, the Father of Mrs W. who has a very numero[u]s
family; and nearly all present were his children or relatives
made the following remarks in ojibway to his children & all
present This gentleman has come a great distance to this
place and has given us much instruction he is now going
away: I know something of the bibible [sic] and have here-
tofore given you some instruction what he has told us is
true, evry word true: we are all poor miserable sinners
we have lived in darkness; we could not see clearly the way
to heaven or what we must do to be saved, but he has told us
to forsake our sins & come to Christ and pray to him
and love him in our hearts and worship God according to the
bible this is all true and right there is no other way
to be saved: Jesus Christ is the only Saviour and the
bible must be our only rule, I hope we shall all remember
what we have heard; and follow the instruction that has been
given us. after breakfast he came in & asked me if
I would not come back here next summe[r]: I remarked to
him. I would go where the Lord sent me, I could not tell
where that would be. he said the Lord would send his ser-
vants where the people were most needy and they were most
needy where they were very wicked. he said Neinakwan aps
sicke munahtut omak. This man or his wife rather owns one
third of this Island and has pro[po]sed to give sevral hun-
dred acres for a Mission farm, if any Mission was establish-
ed here. there are six or seven dwelling houses on
the Island Mr W has a large store & there are several other
building[s] barns and out houses &c about 40 souls reside
on the Island & 30 men Indians belong to this Post, 150
souls near 2/3 year on the Island the Island is a clay
soil and rather sterile yet it produ[c]es potatoes peas
oats barley almost all kinds of garden vegetables Mr W
thinks wheat would do well here fish are caught in abun-
dan[c] here during the whole year and of the finest quality
in the world. The climate here, I do not think is colder
than in some parts of the state of N. Y. Mr. Warren pro-
poses almost to support a man with a small family who would
come here and teach a school and give some religious in-
about 9.0 I took my leave of these people & set off for Lake
du flambeau about 3 days march a trading post occupied by Mr
Ashmun a brother of the Late Mr Ashmun U.S. Agent for the
am[e]rican colonization Society: in Africa Mr W accom-
panies me as far as Montreal River 21 miles and carrys me
in his sleigh at this place is a trading house occupied
now only by one man we reached this house about 3 0 P.M
besides this hous[e] there is now one Lodge here of people
from the Island. Spent the remainder of the afternoon in
writing In the evn[in]g had prayers in the Lodge
Thursday 18 Mr Warren had some writing which detained me
until half past 10. 0. AM when I took my leave of Mr W.
and set off with a man for a Guide and my young Indian
man I carried a part of my baggage the road bad, we
were obliged to use our snowshoes our progress very
slow, & fatiguing encamped a little before sun set
Friday 19 rose at 4 0 took our breakfast before starting
proceded on our march a little before sun rise. the weather
very warm in the midle of the day: we pressed on as fast
as possible fearing I should not be able to reach the
post before the sabbath encamped about sun set
Sat 20 rose at 4.0. at half past 5 0 on our way again
we had not traveled more than a mile we met Mr Ashmun family
going on to Montreal River to their sugar camp they en-
camped not more than 2 miles from us. Mr A. accompanied
them thus far & had now turned to go back to his post. the
men with me being loaded & the travelling very bad the snow
soft & the ice on the Lakes & rivers was covered with water
frequently 6 or eight inch deep they could not travel fast
my pack not very heavy I left them & pursued
on after Mr A about 11 AM I overtook him, tho nearly ex-
hausted It was an hour before the men both came up. the
man who accompanied me from montreal River for a guide was
one of Mr. Ashmans men, & he now returned Mr Ashman took
all my baggage upon his dog sledge we now urged our way
on as fast as we could if possible to reach his
house by night but the travelling was exceeding bad the
River was sometimes open & somteimes [sic] the water 8
inches deep on the ice in which we waded for hours to-
gether and sometimes the ice gave way & let us thro. In
this way we travelled untill sun about an hour high when
we foun[n]d we could not get to the house & encamped
Sabbath 21 rose about 5 0. felt very lame & stiff we
were about 6 or 7 miles from the post I told Mr A if
he had some eight or 10 people in or about house that would
collect to whom I could communicate some instruction I
should feel it my duty to go on but if not I should not feel
Justified in travelling that distance. he said there
would probably be more than that number we then immediately
Set off we fou[n]d the ice poor & some times gone out of
the river the stream that we passed several miles down on
Saturday & this one which we are now going up are the
head waters of the Chippeway River. At half past 8.0 we
arrived at the house of Mr. A. after getting breakfast
and resting a little Mr. A collected his family and I gave
them some instruction in Ojibway Mr A interpeted some in
french afterwards read and talked to Mr A. he knows his
duty but does not do it. May the Lord open his heart to
attend to his word may his consci[e]nce be awakened sin
revive and he die, die to all false hopes and be made
alive unto God. If he was a Christian in his heart and as
much devoted to the cause of these perishing natives as
his late Brother was devoted to the cause of the poor
Africans he might be an instrument of doing incal[c]ulable
god O with what Joy would he then meet his departed
Brother in heaven: with what inexpressible rapture would
they unite their songs around the Throne while the one
would behold a little band of Africans that had been raised
from the pollution of the heathenism and sin to those blesed
mansions and the other little band of Indians that were
renewed and washed and sanctified and clothes in white all
mingling their songs with theirs whom they had been the
Instrum[en]ts of rescuing from hell and introducing to all
this ineffable blessedness: O how would these considera-
tio[n]s enhance their enjoyme[n]t and happiness for [?] their souls
to all eternity but o what anguish rend the soul “if one’
should be taken & the other left,” while the one with his
little band should assend to those bright regions the other
sink down to the dreary abodes of eternal death draging
along with him many poor ignorant miserable wretches who
might have been saved if they had re[ce]ived proper in-
structions and these instructions had been daily enfor[c]ed
by a holy example but are now pouring forth their curses,
for not giving them instruction and becoming a sour[c]e of
eternal torme[n]t This would be like the knawings [sic] of the
never dying worm. This sabbath is now passed & I fear I
have been very little benefited by it or these poor ig-
norant souls. I was much fatigued when I arrived was wet
and cold, my mind dull and inactive I was altogether un-
prepared for the sabbath & of course have not enjoyed it:
I feel as tho I had had no sabbath O how idle & slothful
& dilatory I am in the great business of Religion what a
dull and lif[e]less frame of mind have I been in to day
my thots all wandering & vain O how early my affections.
Gracious God turn off my eyes from beholding vanity and fix
my heart on things above; on thee Thou chief of all my Joys
Monday 22. rose very late near 7.0 I “know the law
is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin” to be carnal-
ly minded is death, death to all spirituality, to all reli-
gious enjoyment how groveling my affections how heartless
and lifeless my prayers, how unwatchful and slugish my heart
how soon I fall a prey to my e[s]sily besetting sins,
O how estranged my heart from God: “God be merciful to me
a sinner” spent a considerable part of the day in conver-
sing with a Mr a and some Indians who came in to day
Several came in the evn[i]ng with home I conversed.
Teusday 23 Rose at 6.0 had some feeling of my insen-
siblitity and the want of a spirit of more fervent prayer
and the necessity of continual watchfulness; may I be en-
abled this day to “keep my heart with all deligen[c]e”
Spent about one hour this morning before breakfast in
talking and reading to Six or sev[e]n Indians men & women
and several children, they listened with much aperent In-
terest Belonging to this post and one or two small out-
posts about one hundred & fifty men, probably 600 souls in
all. the Indians who were present in the morni[in] are
gone & several others have come in this after noon this
evning I intend to conver[r]se with them Mr A informs me
that forme[r]ly when the Indians came in he must give them on
arrival a glass of Liquor and one after another untill they
were near drunk and house was often a bedlum: this year he
has brot none into the country: now when they come in you
would not know that an Indian was in the house unless you
see them; all is still & quiet Mr A has given me some of
the most distressing accounts of their drunken feasts that
I have ever hear. two years ago Mr A “I [was] requested by
the U S Ind Agent at Sault de St. Marie to dis-
tribue to this band of Ind. a cagg of Liquor This liquor
was given in consequence of some disatisfaction of one of
the chiefs relative to the measuers [sic] pursued to appre-
hend the murders of the 4 men killed on the Missisippi
in 1824. the murders were of this band. At the Treaty of
Fondulac in 1826 this chief was told by the Agents that Just
as true as yonder sun rises and sets, just as true
as the leaves fall from the trees if you dont bring the mur-
derers to the treaty next year held at Green Bay Just so
true will your Great Father send a body of troops into
your country and cut you all off if you do not deliver them
up, we do not Lie to you, but it will certainly be done
the chief returned & collect[e]d the Indians all together
and told them what had be[e]n told him and advised the In-
dians all to go out told them he should go whether they
went or not. the time arrived for the Treaty the chief
went out but none of the Indians. the chief went to the
Agents told them that he had told his people
what they told him and here I am; and there they are, do
with us as you think proper but subject was passed ove[r]
without notice, but the chief was not to be put off so easy.
if nothing was done about it the Indians would look on him
as a liar and in order to pacify him the agent gave him an
order on the Trader for a cagg of Liqour. The chief now [returned]
but the Trader had not yet arrived but he lost no ti[e] in
assembling the Indians telling them that the murderer had
suceeded and their father sent them a cagg of Whiskey
when the Trader arrived he found the order & the India[n]s
about 60 men besides women and children to receive it he
accordingly distributed and such a scene as ensued for 3 or
4 days he said was impossible to be described such yelling
and fighting, reminded [him] he said of the infernals he
got all their guns and knives he could fin[d] and locked
them up in his store, & then they were in the utmost danger
of their Lives & it was by great efforts they kept them
from killing each other This is the influen[ce] the
officers of our Goverm[er]t are exerting upon these poor
wretches O horrid, horrid beyond degree will not such
iniquity be required at some bodys hands, O that this, &
the many othe[r] like iniquitous transactions were reiterated
not only in the ears of evry officer of Govt and evry citi-
zen of the U S but in their hearts & cons[c]ienses untill a
thorough reform should take place All, or near all the
quarels, and Murders, & deeds of savage cruelty that so
frequ[e]ntly occur among the natives may be traced to ardent
spirits as the cause; and the beastly practises and per-
nicous examples of unprin[c]ipled whites, who are allowed
to live among them: the dark places of the earth being more
congenial to the malignant dispositions of their hearts
than the soci[e]ty of the enlightened & virtuous.
Wednesday 24 left Mr As about 8.0 in the morning to
pursue my Journey. not being able to obtain a guide here to
take me thro to next post mr A sent one of his men with
me to a small band of Ind[ia]ns where I could probably ob-
tain one, distan[c]e about 30 miles reached them about
sun set found two Lodges staid in one of the Lodges all
night employed a young man to guid[e] me thro to Mr Oaks
he says it is five days march. the Indians came from the
other Lodge where I was about a dozen present I spent
near an hour in talking to them & [blank in MS.]
Thursday 25 set off about sunrise with my Indian guide,
and Indian boy, neither could speak any thing but
ojibway my guid[e] Laid his course south eat thro thickets
of woods & swamps without the resemblan[c]e of a path the
traveling very bad som[e] of the streams we crossed were
open so that we were obliged to wade them encamped
little before sun set
Friday 26th rose at 4, at 6.0 proceeded on our way.
about 10.0 reached an old Indian lodge which the Indians
had occupied probably the fore part of winter. here we
found a quantity of bears meat dried and put with the lard
in the skin prepared for that purpose & buried in the
ground my Guid[e] told me what was there and said we
should probably be 3 or 4 days before we should be able to
get any recruit to our provisio[n]s and said we had better
take it as we had no more than one days provision more
I allowed them to take a very small quantity enough for one
meal explaining to them the nature and wickedness of theft
and when we might be Justified in taking what was not our
own with out liberty the travelling more tedious to day
than yesterday near sun set when we encamped, we ate near
all our provisions for supper I begin to feel some an-
xiety least we shall be under the necessity of travelling on
the sabbath or suffering with hunger & very probably both
but I felt to commit my self entirely to the Lord praying
that he would direct and guid[e] us so as to enable us to
spend the sabbath as a day of rest
Sat 27 rose at half past 4.00 and soon proceed on our
way, about 10.00 we stoped and ate a scanty breakfast with
little or no hope of reaching the trading post or falling
in with any band of Indi[a]ns to day. about noon we fell
upp[o]n a path which we followed untill half past 4.0
we came to a Lodge of Indians. here we made our camp the
Indians invited us to come and eat with them be fore dark
and gave us a plenty for the sabbath. God has been far
better to me than my fears. “Commit thy way unto the lord
and he shall bring it to pass.” while passing along to
day reflecting on this subject not knowing how I sould spend
the sabbath, I recollected a remark that I had frequently
made to others that if any man really desired to observe
the sabbath as God had commanded that God would so provid[e]
for him that he would be able to do it without suffering,
but in what way we should be provided for I knew not;
I began to think seriously whether it would not be my duty
to march under such circumstances “the Lord will have
mercy rather than sacrifice.” In the course of the day this
promise came to my mi[n]d “trust in the Lord and do good &
verily thou shalt be fed” & “the Lord will provide.” yes
God has no provid[ed] for me, and blessed be his name;
What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits
surely his Goodness and mercy hath followed me all my days.
bless the Lord o my soul &c resolved to spend the sabbath
if I live to see it in fasting and prayer O god enable me
to devote the remainerd [sic] of my days to Thee
Sabbath 28 rose at half past 4.00 have had a very
comfortable nights rest had a precious season of prayer
in my retirem[en]t I felt to pray with some fervency for
My Dear wife & children and all my Dear relatives for the
purity of enlargment of Zion in the ea[r] th and these poor
natives O that God would pour upon me & all the deal
people of God such a spirit of wrestling prayer, that ll may feel
in their hearts that for Zions sake I will not I cannot
hold my peace and for these heathen who are perishing
daily I will not I cannot rest untill they shall be converted
to Christ the knowledge of the Lord cove[r] the earth as the
waters do the sea & Zion become a name & a praise in all the
early in the morning the old man and woman the parents
of this little band of Indians came out to my camp I
spent half or 3/4 of an hour talking to them and prayed in
ojibway they Listen[e]d with much attention to what I said
and appear[e]d to understand me perfectly: about 11.00
I went into their Lodge and spent about an hour giving them
instruction they were not all present one man had gone
for fish one or two of the women wer[e] at work tapping trees &c
I told them last evening about the sabbath & I
explained the fourth commandment as well as I could to them
to day. those present gave very good attention. about
middle after noon the man return[e]d with some [fish] this
was immediately cooked and I was invited to partake I
declined eating because it was caught on the sabbath tho we
had scar[c]ely any things besides to eat: my Gui[d]e and
young man eat. I again spent some time in talking to them.
the old man in the course of the conversation asked me what
became of all the Indians when they died I then told him
as well as I could at some length that those who became good
would go to heaven but all who did not know God and Jesus
Christ would &c &c to to hell. I explained this as clear-
ly [as] I was able to which he listen[e]d with much attention
and when I closed he said “thats all true while I gazed
upon that old man & woman and their children and their
grand childre[n] my soul melted within me & I exclaimed
must the prec[i]ous souls all go dow[n] to hell is there
no mercy for them Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no
physycian there. Yes there is an abundan[c]e in Jesus &
he is able to save to the very uttermost but there are none
to apply the healing balm — none to make known to them this
great Physi[c]ian and teach them to apply to him for sal-
vatio[n] and must they then perish yes unless the church
arrise without a mome[n]ts delay and hasten to this quarter
the gospel before they are all dead and in hell. O god have
mercy on their souls — have mercy on all thy children &
engage all the powe[r]s of their souls in this work have
mercy on me a sinner and make me feel a hundredfold omor[e]
the worth of souls the preciousness of they cause,
and of doing with my might whatever my hands find to do in
this great work the fore part of this day was precious
to my soul some part of the after noon more dul[l]: but I
bless god for the sabbath, and for this sabbath
Monday 29 rose this morning about 5.00 having found the
night somewhat unpleasant in consequence of a sever[e] storm
of rain which continued a considerable part of the night
as we had nothing for a shelter our blankets & clothes were
quite wet yet we did not [suffer] as we kept a constant
fire we dried our blankets &c as well as we could and
about half past 6.00 set on our Journey accompanied by an
Indian: from this band: the greatest part of the day we
followed a path, — the travelling good — tho we had
to wade in the water a considerable part of the time. I
had no provisions but a small piece of cake and cheese left
and nothing for the Indians a littl[e] before noon the
Indian who accompanied us shot a pa[r]tri[d]ge and a por-
cupine about 1 0 we stoped kindled a fire and cooked
them. I mad[e] me a cup of tea and made my breakfast &
dinner of my remaining piece of cake & cheese & the Indians
eat the meat I felt thankful to our heavenly father who
had again supplyed us with food we again renewed our
march with renewed vigor and speed and a little after dark
reached the house of the Trader The Trader & his family
was a little distan[c]e from the house in this sugar camp
we found but one man in the house this man immediately
went for Mr. Oaks who soon came and gave me a hearty welcome
after taking supper I had a very lengthy conversation with
Mr Oaks. he is a very gentlemanly & intilegent man very
soon with out reserve he opened to me to the state of his
Mind relative to the great subject of religion. I found
him very seriously concerne[d]d about his soul after much
personal conversation I read a portion [of] scripture and
prayed for & with him retired very later.
Tuesday 30 Mr O’s family retur[n]ed this morni[n]g
from the sugar camp his wife is a very seriou[s] intele-
gent-looking woman he has four children 3 interesting
little girls & 1 boy. spent much of the day in conversing
with mr & his wife. wrote in the evning to Mr Ashman
spent some time after the family had retired in conversing
with Mr O he appears more and more concerned about his
soul and he asked me to pray with him & prayed for himself
retired again very late with a severe pain in my side.
Wednesday 31 rose at 6.00 the pain gone from my side
rested comfortably I read and prayed this morning in the
family in Ojibway Mr o has made inquiry to day concerning
my views of the condition of the heathen relative to their
prospects in the future world. I directed this attention to
the three first chapters of Romans and explained to him
their deplorable condition he said the description the
Apostle had given of the heathen was a Just account of the
Indians: he mentioned several facts that had come under
his own observation illustrative of the truth of the apostles
words he remarked among other things the Indians were
without natural affections he said he [had] known several
instances w[h]ere children had left their parents when they
had become decripid [sic] & infirm by reason of age to perish
one of the Instances he mentioned had been given me also
by Mr. A: who at that time Mr O & A were both living
in vicin[i]ty of Leach Lake: is as follows
In the center of this Lake which is very large an in-
land see is a small Island. on this Island in the fall
was left a very aged man & his wife who were the Parents
of a strong & numerous band of Indians they were both
blind and helpless this was unknown to either of the
Traders at the time. in the month of Dec Mr A was crossing
the lake up on the [ice} which was about 30 miles distant
with an Indian guide and one man to visit Mr O. The weather
was exceedingly cold so that they were obliged to
make evry effort to keep from freezing & the wind was so
high at times they could not travel with all their efforts
they were apprehensive of perishing not far from noon
they reached this Island here they kindled a fire and
were obliged to remain some time on account of snow
and wind they had been several days travelling & their
provisions were now exhausted. they shook out the few
remaining crum[b]s and ate and determined if possible to
reach the house on the other side of the Lake that night a
distan[c]e of about 15 miles as they passed across the
Island and were about to leave it their attention was ar-
rested by the sound of a hacking or beating upon a stick:
they looked thro a few bushes and discovered an old man
upon his [k]nees: they went towards him and fou[n]d he
was endeavoring to cut off a small pole which he had cut
down, he had a small bit of a hatched [sic] wore up near to the
eye with which he was to work, he had suceeded duri[n]g
the whole day to cut down a small tree & had got one stick
off and commen[c]ed on the 2nd he would strike a few blows
& then feel when they spoke to him he droped his ax &
raised both hands & exclaimed O who has come to give us
lif[e] a little longer do go into my wigwam
& see my poor old woman who is most dead they went in to
the wigwam which could scarcely shelter them at all from
the snow here was lying on the grou[n]d a poor emaciated
old blind wom[a]n besid[e] a few coals or embers of fire
blowing them with [a] little pile acron [sic] shu[c]ks
lying nea[r] from which she would take one at a time and
put it on the fire to keep it from being entirely extin-
g[u]ished. they said their children left them in the fall
with a few nuts to eat and a littl[e] wood but they had eat
up all their nuts & were nea[r]ly starved when he told
them they had not a particle of any thi[n]g for them to eat
unless it was a pair of moccasins the old man said my poor
old woman my poor old woman that I have lived with so long
he then furnished them with some wood and promised to send
them if possible some things to eat and left them and it was
with the utmost effort that they reached the house at a very
late hour. for three suceeding days it was imposible to
return to the Island for a storm of snow & wind & when he
returned to the Island they were lying sied [sic] by sied
both dead similar cases frequently occur in these dark
places on the earth Spent some time in the after noon
in giving instruction to some Indians who came in; and a-
gain in the evn[in]g.
Mr O told the state of his mind to his wife; he
told her he had lived a very careless wicked life had thot
but little about God or his sould but could not live so no
longer he said he hoped they should both begin now [to]
think of God & their souls & pray to Jesus christ to have
mercy on them &c. O I do hope & pray that these souls may
not be far from the kingdom of heaven
Thursday April 1st rose at half past 5.00 have spent
much of the day in examini[n]g what I have collected and
written of the Ojibwa: in the afternoon conversed with an
Indian and his wife they had one little boy they said
if I would come & live in their country and have a school
they would put their boy into it. in the evning composed a
prayer for Mr O. to translate in to ojibwa for his wife
Mr o speaks the Indian language by far the best of any
white man I have found in the country he is a man of con-
siderable education I do think God is about to make an
Instrument of him to do go[o]d to these poor natives. it is
now 10.00 about 9 Mr O commen[c]ed talking to his wife
on the subject of their souls, he seemed much affected
after he had conversed a while I gave them a short account
of the revival in —- & the conv[e]rsion of — which
appeared to affect them very much particula[r]-
ly mr O I then prayer with them I told Mr O. if he felt
a desire to pray & give his heart to God, not to keep back
when I closed he prayed in Ojibway the substan[c] of his
prayer was that god would have mercy on his & his wife &
make them his children make them new hearts & enable them
to live the rest of their lives in his service &c he ex-
pressed much sense of sin
Friday 2nd walked with Mr O after breakfast to his
sugar Camp 1 mile — had much conversation with him on the
Indian Trade. his views are the same as Messrs W. & D
on the subject he is resolved never to bring any more
Liquor into the country, he says if a colony was commen[c]ed
in this country he would be happy to be connected with it
as an Interpeted [sic] or in any way if he could do any
good and have his wife and children Instructed. I do hope
God is about bring[n]g this man & his wife into the fold of
Christ: spent the after noon in examining & correcting and
writing the Ojibway language I think I have discovered
the verb can & shall or will which has perplexed me much.
I cannot find anything for the verb to be In the eve-
ning commenced writing a short chatechism for Mr O to teach
his children have written and Interpeted eight questions
& answers. retired at half past 10. 0
Names of places & Distances
Green Bay
Poachekwate miles
to Fort Winebago 100
from F.W.
to Prairie de chien 160
” P. ” St. Peters 300
” St. P. ” Yellow River Mr Ds 150
O Sahwahsebe
” Y. R. ” Snake River 45
Kenabike Sebe
” S.R. ” Mr conners Post 25
” Mr C. P. ” Lake Basswood 50
” L. B. ” Clam Lake 25
‘ C. L. ” Yellow Lake 25
” Y. L. ” Mr D’s P. 6
” Mr DsP ” Misseseb 200
from Mouth Croix to St. Peters 45
” St. P. ” Mr Ds p. 150
” Mr D’s ” Sun Rise River 80
‘ S.R.R. ” A route to the Ind camp 60
” Mouth S Riv ” Mr Ds. 80
” Mr Ds ” Yellow lake 7 back 20
” Mr Ds ” Souvre’s Post 60
” S. P. ” Mr Corbins post 45
” Mr C. ” Lac Courtereille 30
” L.C. ” La Point 150
” L. P. ” Montreal Riv 21
” M. R. ” Lac du flambeau 60
” Lac d F to Mr Oaks post strait [?] 180
Sandy Lake
” S L to Green Bay 200
Mr Ds P. & Mr Cs P. 650
Mr Corbins & 2 Posts near[r] 600
Mr Warrens P 150
Mr Ashmans P & out Posts 600
Mr Oaks P 200
Mr Holidays P. 300