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Vance Lake

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30-30 Lodge
Vance Lake
38 30X30 Road, Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin 54545

Established as a resort at this location in 1928

Dates Operated: 1934-1975

Owner(s): Valerie and Bill Mehl (1934-1961), Dennis and Beulah Hughes (early 1960s-1975)

Powell's Fern Lodge
Vance Lake
Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin 54545

Established as a resort at this location in c1916

Dates Operated: c1916-1944

Owner(s): Ethel Powell

Win-Mar Lodge
Vance Lake
145 County Highway West, Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin 54545

Established as a resort at this location in 1922

Dates Operated: 1922-Present

Owner(s): Winifred Young and Marie Zimmerman, Richard Hill, Charley and Inez Pea, Big John and Lorrine Decker, Jerry and Judi Schmidt, Judi Schmidt and Bud Arnold, Barry and Lisa Hopkins